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Simulink Enumeration Type

Report on enumeration data used in model, in loop generated by Simulink Enumeration Type Loop component


This component provides information about an enumeration type that the Simulink® model uses, in a loop generated by a Simulink Enumeration Type Loop component. Your report setup must include Simulink Enumeration Type component as a child of a Simulink Enumeration Type Loop component.

Enum Info Property Table Format Options

  • Table title: Specifies the table title in the generated report.

    • Automatic: This option uses the default title for the table. For example, if you have an enumeration type name ON_OFF_TYPE then the generated table title consists of an enumerated type name followed by a phrase named "Properties", i.e., "ON_OFF_TYPE Properties".

    • Custom: When you select this option, you can specify your own custom title for the table instead of the default phrase named "Properties".

  • Available Properties: This dialog box displays a default list of enumeration type properties to be included in a table.

  • Filtered Properties: This dialog box displays a default list of enumeration type properties to filter out.

    For enumeration types you can filter the list of properties to include in a table, using the following approach:

    • To add a property row in the table:

      1. From the list of properties named Filtered Properties, select a property that you want to insert in the table.

      2. Click the left-arrow button. The property will be added as a new row in a table.

      3. If necessary, use the up or down arrow button to position the new row.

    • To delete a property row, from the list of properties named Available Properties select a property in the table and click the right-arrow button.

  • Column alignment: Align the text in each column.

    • Left

    • Center

    • Right

    • Double justified

    You can select any value present from the drop-down list. By default, the Column alignment option is set to Left.

  • Column widths: Inputs a vector with m elements, where m equals the number of columns in the table. Column sizing is relative and normalized to page width. For example, say that you have a 2-by-3 cell array and input the following into the Column widths field:

    [1 2 3]
    The report output format for the cell array is such that the second column is twice the width of the first column, and the third column is three times the width of the first column. If the vector is greater than the number of columns in the table, the vector is truncated so that the number of elements equals the number of columns. If m is less than the number of columns in the table, the vector is padded with 1s so that the number of elements equals the number of columns.

    If you use this field, it is recommended that you specify a width for each column. Any unspecified width defaults to 1. MATLAB® displays a warning when defaulting any unspecified column width to 1.

  • Grid lines: Show grid lines for the table.

  • Spans page width: Make the table as wide as the page.

Systems Used

Show systems that use an enumerated type: Specifies whether to include a list of systems or charts that use an enumerated type. By default, this option is set to true.

List Formatting

  • List type:

    • Bulleted list: Set the list type to unordered.

    • Numbered list: Allows you to select numbering options in the Numbering style section.

  • Numbering style: Allows you to select a numbering style in the selection list, by setting List style to Numbered list. Only the RTF/DOC report format supports this option.

    • 1,2,3,4,...

    • a,b,c,d,...

    • A,B,C,D,...

    • i,ii,iii,iv,...

    • I,II,III,IV,...

Source Code Options

  • Include source code: This option includes the MATLAB code that defines the enumeration type in a report. By default, this option is set to false. You can enable this option to include the MATLAB code.

  • Highlight source code syntax: This option specifies whether to use colors to highlight syntax keywords in a report. By default, this option is set to false. You can enable this option to include the highlighting of MATLAB code.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes, table with enumeration type information.

